Engineering, Management, Technology Consulting

Tag: Apps

  • This App Trains You to See Farther

    From Popular Mechanics: Twenty-twenty vision? Big deal. UltimEyes could train your brain to see in 20/7.5. Jamie Allen/Getty Images When a major league baseball pitcher throws a 95-mph fastball, only about 400 milliseconds—the duration of a blink—pass before the ball rockets over the plate. And a batter gets less than half that time to decide…

  • In The Shop: Great Innovations Ultimate Engineering Screw Chart

    I was reading the following article about the Engineering Slide Charts and realized that it was now available as an App for my phone. Engineering Slide Chart in Play The slide rule may be a quaint anachronism in this age of ubiquitous computing, but there’s still a place for the slide chart, the volvelle, the…