Engineering, Management, Technology Consulting

Being Mindful: Using a Porlex Hand Coffee Grinder

It is fun to have an analog feel to the coffee making process, not just in the grind, but an actual involvement in the results. 

As a result, when porlex_5I was perplexed at the results of my Porlex JP-30 Stainless Steel Coffee Grinder, my at-home grinder with my usual coffee, Stumptown Hairbender, I started to think about the attention I pay my coffee making and not just my coffee drinking.

The issue was that my coffee was smooth enough, but lacking a bigger flavor that I felt I achieved some times. 

I used the method described by Peter in a Porlex-howto to calibrate my grind and remind myself to look at the coffee and check it against sites like

I am down to an “8”, having made a couple of rich cups at a “7”.  And I am enjoying being mindful about the process.



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