Tag: Work
The credit belongs to the …
Theodore Roosevelt speaking at the Sorbonne in 1910 It is not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and…
The Eyes Have It in Modern Office Design
The article in the NYTimes, Aging of Eyes Is Blamed for Range of Health Woes, has caused us to think here at Walker Engineering about our own personal layouts as well as those of our clients. THE HYPOTHESIS Ellen Weinstein The aging eye filters out blue light, affecting circadian rhythm and health in older adults.…
Easy Exercises You Can Do At Your Desk
While researching activity one can do at work, I stumbled across this recent article titled 20+ Exercises You Can Do at Your Desk on Mashable. I have to agree with their labeling this a favorite, it turned out to be ours as well. But the important point we took away was to review Video Sites…