Category: Walker Engineering
We Talk About House Styles #intheoffice
via 99percentvisible Someone in the remote office was looking at houses for sale just last December. We were having difficulty communicating the style and this chart from Pop Chart Lab came along. Now we have a cheat sheet to talk through styles rather than the realty listing which is often mistaken, taking a single feature…
A/B Testing and 3D Printing
It is August and the doldrums as far as Engineering and Consulting practices are concerned and that is GREAT. There is time to take on all the more serious projects that I am too busy with at other times. I setup my new-to-me 3D printer: 3Dsystems Cube 3 and tested it by printing a new…
How to Find The Best Laptop Under $600
From an article on makeuseof which addressed the question I had of how do I find a really good mid range laptop when mine went out last. I finally was handed a used one that I put an SSD drive into. I am now looking to upgrade the SSD drive for more space. This article…
Job Site Tiny House Consulting
I spent time with Alex helping him with a complicated site built door set. One Step Forward… Two steps back Two steps back. It has been awhile since we have posted anything, and as usual, it feels like so much has happened. We had so much that we were excited to update you all on,…